A MuchLoved partner since 2015, Funeral Partners have seen the number of tribute pages created and the level of donations continue to grow, particularly during the pandemic, with £1.3m being raised in 2020 alone.
Kelly Hailou, Marketing Director at Funeral Partners, said: “In February we hit a milestone with our families collectively raising more than £3 million for charities through MuchLoved tribute pages. Now, just months later, that figure has jumped to £5 million.
“There’s no denying the comfort and sense of unity this online service brings families, especially after the last year-and-a-half of social distancing restrictions. We look forward to continuing to see our clients using this service and helping charities receive the much-needed donations in memory of lost loved ones.”
More than 107,000 donations have been made to 1,662 charities over the past six years, with £389,744 being raised for Cancer Research UK, £229,698 going towards Woking & Sam Beare Hospices and £183,874 being donated to the Alzheimer's Society, followed closely by the British Heart Foundation receiving £182,392.
Richard Baker, MuchLoved Funeral Partnerships Manager said: “The £5m landmark is an incredible milestone to have surpassed and is testament to the hard work that is put in day after day by the teams within Funeral Partners.
“Over the last 18 months the number of pages set up by Funeral Partners branches has increased dramatically and donations have more than doubled, as arrangers helped provide a way for the families they serve to connect with one another in the most testing of times."
The funds raised have proved vital, as so many charities have seen their income drop significantly since the start of the pandemic. Ruth Armstrong, In Memoriam Assistant at the Alzheimer’s Society, said: "In-memory fundraising has always been a crucial part of our fundraising efforts, but never more so in the last 18 months, as we saw other fundraising initiatives and events simply become wiped from the calendar.
“The pages set up by Funeral Partners’ teams and managed by MuchLoved have provided the most appropriate place for our supporters to remember their loved ones, whilst providing vital funding for our services."
If you would like to know more about working with MuchLoved, or would like some support to make the most of your partnership, contact us on 01494 722818 or email support@muchloved.com. We provide continual free training to all our partners and are here to help.