"The MuchLoved service has improved our links with local charities and simplified our reporting of donations to them. As well as combining all the practical elements of the funeral donations in one place, they act as such personal and special Tributes. We love setting them up for clients." Margaret Bone, Paul J King Funeral Directors
MuchLoved's platform enables Paul J King to collect funeral donations for absolutely any UK registered charity or charities. We process the donations for them at a considerably cheaper rate than other services, which is better for their clients as well as the charities.
We also provide clear real-time reporting to Paul J King and the charities, enabling them to easily see whom the donations have been made in memory of. This cuts down on administration as the charities don't have to check up about each funeral, since they always have the information automatically at their fingertips.
Contact us to arrange a demonstration this spring, either at support@muchloved.com or call 01494 722818 and we'll send you a little Easter treat with our compliments